In the early hours of the morning, on Wednesday, January 8th, a simple yet extraordinary act of kindness unfolded during the Eaton Fire. Two clients, recently housed above Washington Boulevard through the hard work of Friends In Deed’s Street Outreach and Housing team, were awoken by an urgent knock on their door.
Their landlord, a compassionate figure who had already extended housing to two of our city’s most vulnerable neighbors, stood there with concern etched on his face. Mandatory evacuations were underway, and he wanted to make sure they were safe. Without hesitation, he offered his help.
At 4 a.m., he personally drove them to the Pasadena Civic Center, ensuring they had a safe place to go amidst the uncertainty. His gesture was a quiet reminder of the power of community—the way ordinary individuals can step up in extraordinary ways to support those in need.
This landlord’s actions reflect the spirit of Friends In Deed’s mission, building a community where compassion and care for one another drive meaningful change. Because when we come together, even in life’s most challenging moments, we can ensure that no one is left behind.