From left to right, front row: Ervin Galvan, Stacy Santeramo, Lana Slavitt, Pamela Marx, Nishanthi Kurukulasuriya, and Richard Cheung
From left to right, back row: Kevin Bourland, Ed Vidimos, Jeff Salcido, Bret Schaefer, Leslie White, George “Amadi” Hines, and Chris Pelch
Not pictured: Ursula Hyman and Debby Singer
Executive Board Members
Bret Schaefer
Chief Operating Officer, Alzheimer’s Foundation of LA
Leslie White
Vice President
Principal Consultant, Lelo & Associates
Christopher Pelch
Chief Operating Officer, Vance Wealth
Debby Singer
PJ Library Program Director, Jewish Federation of Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys
Board Members At Large
Pastor Amy Aitken
First United Methodist Church of Pasadena
Kevin Bourland
Residential Real Estate Agent/Executive Director, Estates Division at Compass
Timothy Howett, Esq.
Law Offices of Timothy Howett
Nishanthi Kurukulasuriya
Attorney, Disability Rights California
Suzanne Lee
Community Member/FID Client
Don Meaders
Partner, Nossaman LLP
Jeff Salcido
Realtor, Compass
Lana Slavitt
Consultant, Andrew M Slavitt LLC
Pamela Marx
FID Board President Emerita