
From left to right, front row: Ervin Galvan, Stacy Santeramo, Lana Slavitt, Pamela Marx, Nishanthi Kurukulasuriya, and Richard Cheung

From left to right, back row: Kevin Bourland, Ed Vidimos, Jeff Salcido, Bret Schaefer, Leslie White, George “Amadi” Hines, and Chris Pelch

Not pictured: Ursula Hyman and Debby Singer

Executive Board Members

Bret Schaefer
Chief Operating Officer, Alzheimer’s Foundation of LA

Leslie White
Vice President
Principal Consultant, Lelo & Associates

Christopher Pelch
Chief Operating Officer, Vance Wealth

Debby Singer
PJ Library Program Director, Jewish Federation of Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys

Richard Cheung D.C.
Immediate Past President
Chiropractor, Pasadena Businessman

Board Members At Large

Kevin Bourland
Residential Real Estate Agent/Executive Director, Estates Division at Compass

Ervin Galvan
Owner & Operator, We Olive & Wine Bar

Timothy Howett, Esq.
Law Offices of Timothy Howett

Nishanthi Kurukulasuriya
Attorney, Disability Rights California

Pamela Marx
FID Board President Emeritus

Don Meaders
Partner, Nossaman LLP

Jeff Salcido
Realtor, Compass

Stacy Santeramo 
AVP, HR Operations, California Credit Union

Lana Slavitt
Consultant, Andrew M Slavitt LLC

Our Community Advisory Council (in formation)

Congresswoman Judy Chu – 27th District of California
CA Senator Anthony Portantino – 25th Senate District California
CA Assemblyman Chris Holden – 41st Assembly District California
Bill Bogaard – Former Mayor of Pasadena
Julianna Serrano – Vice President of Advocacy & Equity, Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley
Donald Kincey – Retired, Senior Vice President, Community Relations, Comerica Bank
Rabbi Sharon Brous – Founder and Senior Rabbi, IKAR, Los Angeles
Yudie Fishman – Local business leader
Dr. Bonnie Buratti – Planetary Astronomer
George Falardeau – CEO, Pasadena Media
Denise Campbell – Director of Marketing, Altez Vacation
Lawrence Bottala – Western Supreme Rooter, Inc.
Aaron Wooler  Senior Vice-President, Century Housing

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