Ten years ago Chamaine and her then six-year-old daughter were homeless in Pasadena. Ultimately they were able to receive services through Union Station that led to permanent housing, but during that difficult time Chamaine remembers meeting staff members from Friends In Deed and thinking how kind they were to her and her daughter.
Fast forward ten years and now Chamaine and her 16-year-old daughter are fortunate recipients of a Section 8 subsidized housing voucher that helps them afford rising housing prices in the area. Unfortunately for Chamaine, that voucher doesn’t cover security deposits, so when the opportunity came up for the two of them to move into a new apartment back in Pasadena, closer to their friends and family, they weren’t sure if they would be able to afford it. Chamaine called Friends In Deed on a whim, hoping that they might be able to help out with funding to get her and her daughter into new housing where other organizations couldn’t. She was able to connect with Ryan, who had some unrestricted funding available to help them make the move and hold on to their housing voucher.