Merria Velasco

SENIOR Director of Development
626.797.2402 x202

With over 15 years experience working in education, arts, and human services nonprofits, Merria joined Friends In Deed as the first ever Development staff member in February 2021. She joins the team as a Certified Fund Raising Executive, although started her career as an auditor at KPMG after receiving her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Saint Mary’s College of California.

Merria is on the Board of Directors at Boojum Institute for Experiential Education and is the Chair of the Fundraising Committee. In her spare time, Merria loves being a Jazzercise instructor, visiting friends around the country, and spending quality time with her family. She also enjoys activities like gardening, hiking, and exploring the great outdoors with her wildland firefighter husband – especially in the mountain town of Idyllwild where she lived for 5 years.

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