Stacy was invited to a Friends In Deed board meeting in 2016 to be introduced to and get to know the organization, and she must have liked what she saw, because by the end of the meeting she had volunteered to take on the role of board secretary! She continued in that role until 2020, and then more recently took on the role of vice president.
Her work behind the scenes has always been informed by her understanding of the way FID is rooted in the community it serves – she has volunteered at the Bad Weather Shelter many times, and seen all the programs in action. In fact, Stacy values the work that FID does in the community so highly that she has made a personal commitment to support it in the future, through joining our Legacy Society. Stacy says, “I think it’s important to provide future funding and commitment so that the organization can continue to expand their services and continue to serve its clients.”
Understanding the programs and “watching the staff serve our clients with such dignity and grace” is what Stacy truly loves about FID. But we have also greatly valued Stacy’s involvement in FID over the years. Her career background is in human resources and, back in the days when professional HR help was outside our budget, her advice was invaluable and gave us a solid foundation for the growth that was to come.